About Kirsche


Hi, I'm Kirsche! I'm a bi transfem enby out in the corn state Ohio who likes video games, furry art, and retro technology. I decided to make a neocities page because I really missed the personal aspect of the internet that was way more prominent when I was younger. While this page does indulge in my nostalgia for ye olde web design it also exists to be essentially a digital whiteboard and/or notebook for whatever I wanna scrawl onto it.

I'm a pretty amatuer artist, primarily dabbling in pixel art but occasionally other mediums too.

I'm quite involved in the Fighting Game Community, you'll catch me lurking around a few discords and hanging with local homies up in Toledo. In particular I'm involved with ACP Puerto Rico, Fraud Krew, FGC Rainbow Edition, and the Ohio FGC communities online.

I bark for werewolves.

Art by Gueszst

Stuff I Really Like!

Music Artists: XTC, The Chats, SOFTGIRL, Red Vox, CCR, Jenny Lewis, Seeed,
The Western States, Panchiko, OUTRAGE, Gorillaz

Movies: Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), The Thing (1982), Jungle Emperor Leo (1997), A Touch of Zen, M (1931),
All The Heaven Allows, In The Mood For Love, Mortal Kombat (1995), Friday The 13th (1980)

Video Games: Max Payne, Doom, Half-Life, Street Fighter (Super Turbo, Alpha 2, and 3S), Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R,
BlazBlue Central Fiction, Crazy Taxi, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Adventure,
Sonic Mania, Rockin Kats, Friends Vs Friends, GTA Vice City, Hylics 2, Vampire Savior,
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future, Akatsuki Blitzkampf, Samurai Shodown (V Special, SamSho 2019),
Capcom vs SNK 2, Golden Axe, Flicky, Super Lesbian Animal RPG